Healthy life styleNutritionTop 10

A Healthy Diet on a Budget: Top 10 Tips

Top 10 Tips to Maintain A Healthy Diet on a Budget

1- Plan ahead for your healthy diet on a budget:

  • One of the best ways to save money, and stay on a Budget, is to plan your meals in advance. This helps you avoid purchases, that are expensive, and allows you to focus on buying ingredients that are both affordable and nutritious. [2]

2- Shop smart:

  • Look for sales, deals, and discounts at your local markets (grocery stores or farmers). Compare prices and choose seasonal fruits and vegetables. Seasonal products are usually less expensive and more available.

3- Buy in bulk:

  • Buying non-perishable items, that can stay a long time without being spoiled, in bulk is a great way to save money on your healthy diet on a Budget. Stock up on whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, which are all healthy ingredients that can be stocked for longer times.
  • “Grains. Buy 100% whole grain. When grains are on sale, stock up and freeze them. Oatmeal is a healthy, inexpensive whole grain with no added salt or fat. Rice also is inexpensive. Brown rice is a healthier option, compared to white. Whole-grain noodles are also healthy and typically inexpensive. Fruits and vegetables.” (SOURCE)

4- Cook at home for a healthy diet on a budget:

  • Eating out, in restaurants or like, can be expensive. Additionally, it often leads to unhealthy food choices. Cooking at home makes you able to control the ingredients, which can help you save money and eat healthy diet.

5- Pack your own lunch:

  • Bringing your own lunch to your work or wherever you go, is a great idea to save money and ensure that you are eating a healthy meal. Prepare a sandwich with whole grain bread, lean protein, and plenty of veggies.

6- Use meat as a garnish:

  • Meat can be expensive, but using it as a garnish rather than the main ingredient in your meals can save money. Add small amounts of chicken, beef, or fish to soups, or salads, and use beans or lentils as a protein source alternative. Of course, plant proteins are less expensive, do you agree?

7- Make your own snacks:

  • Snacks, purchased outside, are a major source of added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. Making your own snacks is an easy and affordable way to eat healthier.

8- Limit processed foods:

  • Processed foods are often high in calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats, and can be expensive. So, try to limit your intake of packaged foods and keep on eating whole, unprocessed ingredients instead.

9- Don’t waste food:

  • Wasting food wastes money, and also contributes to food waste and environmental pollution. So, try to use leftovers to create new meals or freeze them for later use.

10- Drink water:

  • Water is not expensive and essential for good health. Drinking water instead of sugary drinks, such as soda or juice, can help you save money and reduce your sugar intake. About eight glasses of water per day are good enough to keep you healthy.


Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank. With these 10 tips, explained above, you can maintain a healthy diet on a budget by planning ahead, shopping smart, buying in bulk, cooking at home, drinking water, Limiting processed foods, and making your own snacks. Save money on groceries and eat well!

Sources for further reading


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