Covid-19 Update PhilippinesHealth News

Covid-19 Update , 11 July 2020

As per DOH Covid-19 Update; the number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines surpassed 54,000 on Saturday 11 july 2020. 1,387 new cases were reported by DOH, (918 are “fresh” or newly validated and 469 are late), bringing the total to 54,222 confirmed covid-19 cases. Active cases in the philippines are currently 38.813, most of them are mild or asymptomatic.

Covid-19 Update , 11 July 2020
The number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines exceeded 54,000 on Saturday

Highest number of rcoveries paer one day , was also reported by DOH, wher 807 recveries were covid-19 negative

Covid-19 Update worldwide

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported the highest record in new cases around the world with the Coronavirus, with more than 228,102 cases within 24 hours, on Friday 10 July 2020. The total number of confirmed cases exceeded 12,631,000. The deaths exceeded 563,000.

Europe countries have the highest records of deaths due to Covid-19

تجاوز عدد أجمالى الحالات المؤكدة 12,631,000 حالة. وتجاوزت الوفيات 563.000 وفاة.
Covid-19 Update globally 11 july 2020
تسجيل زيادة قياسية في حالات الإصابة حول العالم بفيروس كورونا، أكثر من 228.102 حالة خلال 24 ساعة.
Daily new deaths globally, 11 july 2020

Corona virus new cases worldwide record high around 228.102 new cases within 24 hours. The total number of confirmed cases exceeded 12,631,000. The deaths toll exceeded 563,000 deaths

On Friday, the United States reported nearly 69,000 new infections with the Coronavirus (Covid-19), in a daily increase since a few days ago. The total number of cases in USA reached more than 3,291,000 confirmed cases.

New cases in USA exceeded 65000 in one day

In Mexico, the Mexican Ministry of Health announced that 6,891 new infections were recorded, as well as 665 new deaths from the Covid-19 during the last day, showing a slight decrease compared to Thursday.

In Brazil, the Brazilian Ministry of Health said on Friday that it had recorded 45,048 new infections, and 1,214 new deaths from the Coronavirus during the past 24 hours

Countries with highest death rate

countries with the highest death rate, as of July 11, 2020

The number of deaths per million of the population reached 844 in Belgium, and it is considered the highest per million deaths, followed by Britain, as shown in the table above, then Spain and Italy, and Sweden in position five. For the absolute number of deaths, America tops the list with 136.671 deaths , next is Brazil, then Britain, then Italy, and finally, in fifth place, Mexico. See the table below.

Regarding the absolute number of deaths, America tops the list with 136.671 deaths.

Covid-19 update Reports

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Friday that the outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) can still be controlled, although the number of infections has more than doubled in recent weeks.

In a review of previous reports on Corona patients, doctors said on Friday that the virus does not only harm the lungs, but its complications affect the kidneys, liver, heart, brain, nervous system, skin, digestive system and all vital systems in the body. A comprehensive picture indicates that the virus attacks almost every organ in the human body.

And on the effect of high blood sugar on infection: Doctors from Wuhan, China, have proven that the high blood sugar level when a person is infected with some types of Corona virus doubles the risk of death, even if the patient does not suffer mainly from diabetes or obesit

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