Forced Dry Ejaculation my cause infertility
Forced Dry Ejaculation my cause infertility in men. It occurs when a man tries to prevent the semen from going outside for a certain reason. So, what happens for the semen? a condition called Retrograde Ejaculation occurs.
Men may choose to block sperm from coming out when they ejaculate. This could be temporarily or permanently. So; why people block sperm? Are there side effects?
Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen moves backwards and enters the bladder instead of moving forward to the penis. With Dry Ejaculation you can reach sexual climax. You will ejaculate no semen or very little of it.
Retrograde ejaculation isn’t harmful, but it may cause male infertility where a man cannot get a woman pregnant.
Retrograde Ejaculation can be diagnosed by testing a sample of urine collected directly after coitus.
Dry Ejaculation = dry orgasm= Retrograde ejaculation