HIV & AIDSInfectious DiseasesSexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs

HIV Home Test, what should you know?

Some people may contract HIV without knowing, having unprotected sex, or with an infected partner, or contaminated needles. Therefore, we advise persons, who are frequently involved in actions that may expose them to infection with HIV, to do HIV testing periodically, to ensure that they are not infected. HIV Home Test is the best option!

Why HIV Home Test?

There is nothing easier than the HIV Home Test. This test is not only easy, but also accurate and reliable. It has now become easier because of the availability of home HIV testing in many countries. It can be purchased online through websites that deliver the test in confidential (discreet) packages that no one knows what is inside the package. This is important, for many, for privacy, especially in conservative communities, (Arab countries).

When HIV Home to be done?

The correct time is any day after the window period, which is 90 days (for antibody tests) and 28 days (for antigen tests). What is the window period? It is the time after infection that can be detected by testing. Window period depends on the type of test. For more details about window period: click here.

HIV Home Test: is it possible?

Yes, it is possible to do it in your home.
In the past, it was not possible to test for HIV at home, only through a doctor, hospital or medical laboratory, where you submit a blood sample to be tested. That was disturbing to many persons because of privacy issues. Fear to be exposed to shame or social humiliation, was a big hindrance for doing the test. Now iy is different, you can be tested in complete privacy, and inside your home without anyone knowing about you, and without bothering yourself to go to the laboratory. They are home tests to detect AIDS.

This means that it is possible to test for HIV infection at home. Tests are sold in pharmacies in many countries around the world, through websites, and delivered to your doorstep. Also, their prices are acceptable, and their accuracy is not comparable to the accuracy of the tests that are carried out in the laboratory. It is worth noting that the sale of these examinations is limited to those over 18 years of age only from a legal point of view.

What should you know before buying the test?

Before buying a home AIDS test you must make sure of something very important. It is approved and approved by government health authorities. Unfortunately, there are a large number of these unapproved tests on the market, which may give inaccurate results. How does a quick home scan work? How should this test be done and how to read the results?

How does a home HIV test work?

Each HIV home test works differently from the other, some with blood samples other with saliva. In the following paragraphs, I will review how the tests work:

  • Saliva examination test
    – This test is done using a sample of saliva taken by a swab from the mouth. Then, place it on a slide containing a specific solution (included with the test kit). Within 20 minutes, not more, you can read the result. If only one line appears, the result is negative (the person is not infected). The appearance of two lines means that the person may have the HIV. Another confirmatory test, done by medical laboratory, is required to confirm the infection.
    – Pros: Saliva swab only, no need to draw blood and Fast results.
  • Blood examination test
    Testing for HIV infection at home by taking a blood sample, then placing it on a specially designed slide. Then the sample is sent to the laboratory. A number only is placed on the sample to mark it, not the name of the sample owner, so it remains confidential. When the result is released, the laboratory communicates with the person via telephone or another method. This examination is not completely in-house test, but it is kept private.

When should a test for HIV infection be done at home or in the laboratory?

The body’s immune system begins to make antibodies about 3 weeks after exposure, but this does not happen to all infected persons. In some, the body needs a longer period of time, up to 90 days, to make antibodies detected by testing. Therefore, you may get false negative results during the first three months of infection, even if you are already infected. So, it is recommended to re-test after this period. Or do a combo test (antibodies + antigens) which is accurate 28 days after infection.

How to read the results of HIV Home Test?

The result should be read within 20 minutes, not later to avoid error. When doing a home test, you will get one of the following results:

  1. The appearance of two lines, one at the control and the other at the test area, the result is positive, you need to do another confirmatory test.
  2. One line at the control, which means it is negative. It is accurate if you perform the test, following the instructions provided with the kit.
  3. There is no line at all, which means the test is not valid and must be repeated.

What does the negative result of the rapid AIDS test mean?

If you take a rapid home HIV antibody test and get a negative result, it means that there are no antibodies. This result indicates one of the following:
1- You are not actually infected with HIV.
2- Or you are still in the window period, (less than 90 days from day of exposure to infection). So, your immune system does not enough time to produce enough antibodies to be detected by the test.
3- You made a mistake in performing the test.

Where to buy the test? what do you have to know?

  • There are tons of HIV home test kits that you can purchase through online. But you should never ever buy from ad websites such as Shopee, Lazada etc. They may sell you defected or much worse counterfeit “Testing kits”. We highly encourage you to buy from a known brand that has been trusted and known by many, from website like
  • Before buying, you must make sure of a very important thing. That it is approved by government health authorities. Unfortunately, there are a large number of these unapproved tests in the market, which may give inaccurate results.
  • You can do HIV regular test at Helal medical with complete privacy or contact us to purchase original HIV Home Test KIT.
  • Others in Philippines:
    Love Yourself: Community services/non-profits; Offering free services. Address: Room 9, 3rd Floor Anglo Hardware Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong Mobile: 0917 704 8688.


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