Medical Laboratory

Laboratory Tests that most commonly requested?

 What is a laboratory test? It is a procedure in which a sample of blood, urine or another body fluid is examined to get information , That helps in diagnosis , monitor or treatment of a health problem. Some laboratory tests provide precise about specific health problems , like blood glucose test. Other give a clue that there a health issue , like CRP and ESR.

In this article I will show you a list of the most common laboratory tests requested by medical doctors for their patients. Sometime patients ask for laboratory tests without a doctor’s request. My list below is based on Helal Medical Laboratory statistics. These laboratory tests are requested for one or more of the following reasons:

  • As part of a routine checkup, Some persons go to the lab periodically to check-up
  • To get or confirm a diagnosis of disease
  • Requested by companies when hiring new workers (preemployment check-up)

How are laboratory tests used in medicine?

  1. To screen for health conditions before symptoms appear
  2. help diagnose health conditions
  3. provide information about the stage of a disease
  4. plan treatment
  5. monitor a patient’s general health during treatment
  6. determine the response to treatment
  7. find out whether a disease has recurred
  8. to detect response after vaccination
  9. and many other uses

how many Laboratory Tests are available?

More than 260, 000 tests are available , and more than 7 billion clinical lab tests are performed in the U.S. each year.

Most common laboratory tests

Researchers found that the most common biochemical test is blood glucose, the most common hematologic test is CBC and the most common microbiology test is urine culture.

  1. CBC / or Complete Blood Count:
    Blood sample is required. CBC screens for many diseases including: anemia , infections , nutritional status and exposure to toxic substance.
  2. FUA / Full Urine Analysis:
     this is a general screening test. It is used to diagnose causes of urinary tract problems and symptoms, such as infections , infestations or stones. Also it can detect diseases like Diabetes or kidney disease.
  3. Blood Sugar / Fasting and Post Prandial Blood Sugar:
    It is used to identify blood glucose level in patient’s blood , to diagnose, and monitor diabetes, pre-diabetes, and hypoglycemia cases.
  4. Pregnancy Test / HCG:
    It is done on Urine (Early morning urine sample is preferred) or blood samples. It tells you if pregnant (positive result) or not (negative result.
  5. Hemoglobin A1C:
    Blood sample is required. It is Used to monitor diabetes , long term, during the 3 months before testing.
  6. HIV test:
    It is done on blood sample. Used to diagnose infection with HIV.
  7. Liver Function Test / LFT / Liver Panel:
    Done using blood sample. The liver panel is a combination of tests used to assess liver function and detect live problems. Also used to diagnose liver tumors. These tests include prothrombin time (PT), activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), albumin, bilirubin (direct and indirect), AST , ALT and others.
  8. Lipid Profile / Lipid panel
    Blood sample. The lipid panel is a group of tests used to evaluate cardiac risk. Lipid profile includes testing for Cholesterol level , HDL and LDL. Also it measures Triglycerides level in blood.
  9. Semen Analysis / Sperm Count:
    Semen analysis is a test of a man’s semen. Also known as a sperm count or male fertility test. Results show how many sperm are released, how they’re shaped and how well they move.
  10. PT / Prothrombin Time:
    It is test to measure how long it takes blood to form a clot. It is measured in seconds.
  11. PTT / Partial Thromboplastin Time:
    Also known as activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). It is a screening test to evaluate the ability to form blood clots. It measured in seconds.
  12. TSH / Thyroid Stimulating Hormone / TSH
    Blood sample. This test screens and monitors the function of the thyroid.
  13. Basic Metabolic Panel
    This test measures glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, carbon dioxide, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine which can help determine blood sugar level, electrolyte and fluid balance as well as kidney function.
  14. Culture & Sensitivity test
    Cultures are used to test for diagnosis and treatment of infections. Illnesses such as urinary tract infections, pneumonia, strep throat, MRSA and meningitis can be detected and tested for appropriate antibiotic treatment.


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