Men's health

Masturbation: Is it healthy or harmful?

Masturbation refers to self-stimulation of the genital area, or other sensitive areas of the body, to reach the point of orgasm. It’s a common and normal sexual behavior but triggered so many debates and arguments. Generally, it’s considered a healthy and normal activity. It can help relieve stress, improve sleep, and boost mood. However, excessive or compulsive masturbation is harmful as it can interfere with daily life and relationships. It is advisable to maintain a balanced and healthy approach to all sexual activity, including masturbation.

Types (ways) of masturbation:

There are different ways that people choose to engage in it. Here are some common types:

  1. Hand stimulation: It’s the most common way of masturbation, where you use your hands to stimulate your genitalia; penis, vulva, or clitoris.
  2. Object stimulation: This is done by using objects such as sex toys, vibrators, or household items to stimulate the genital area.
  3. Erotic fantasy (imagination): Some people find that fantasizing about sexual scenarios can be a form of stimulation that leads to orgasm.

It can also be classified into moderate and excessive types:

  • Moderate refers to practice of masturbation within a reasonable range, which does not affect, negatively, your health or daily and social activities. It may range between 1 to 3 time a week. This can vary from person to person, and considered moderate as long as is not causing significant physical or psychological harm and is not interfering with daily activities or relationships.
  • Excessive masturbation, it’s the reverse. It means frequent or intense practice, more than once daily, to the point that it causes harm to the individual or negative impact his/her daily life. This can include physical injuries, psychological distress or difficulties in relationships.

Benefits of moderate masturbation

Moderate masturbation, which is variable among different individuals, has several potential benefits, including the following:

  1. Stress relief: It can help reduce stress and tension by promoting relaxation.
  2. Improved sleep: The release of endorphins during masturbation can help promote sleep and improve the quality of sleep.
  3. Sexual release: It provides an outlet for sexual release and can help reduce sexual frustration.
  4. Improved self-esteem and body image: It can help people become more comfortable with their bodies and increase their confidence in their sexual abilities.
  5. Improved sexual function: Can help improve sexual function and increase sexual sensitivity.

Harms of excessive masturbation

Excessive or compulsive masturbation can have several harmful effects, including:

  1. Physical injury: Overly frequent or rough, It can lead to physical injury, such as skin irritation, chafing, or soreness.
  2. Decreased sensitivity: Excessive type can lead to a decrease in sensitivity and sexual function, making it more difficult to achieve and maintain an erection or orgasm.
  3. Interference with daily life: Compulsive masturbation can interfere with daily activities, such as work, school, or relationships, and may lead to social isolation.
  4. Psychological distress: It can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety, and may be a sign of an underlying psychological disorder.
  5. Decreased testosterone levels: In men, It can lead to a temporary decrease in testosterone levels, which can affect sexual function and overall health.


Masturbation is a normal and common sexual behavior in which an individual stimulates his own genital area to reach orgasm. There are various forms, including hand stimulation, object stimulation, and erotic fantasy. Moderate masturbation is considered healthy while excessive or compulsive one, on the other hand, can cause physical and psychological harm and impact daily life negatively.


  1. Mayo Clinic:
  2. American Sexual Health Association:
  3. World Health Organization:
  4. Facts & Benefits (

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