Men's health

Priapism: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

What is priapism? It’s a medical condition that causes a prolonged, continuous erection of the penis, not due to sexual stimulation or arousal, and can occur at any age. As a man maybe you think it’s a good thing to get priapism, but it’s not, It’s a serious medical condition and is considered an emergency. The unwanted, persistent erection isn’t due to sexual stimulation and is painful. Therefore, It requires immediate medical interference to prevent permanent damage to the penis. In this article, we will explore the causes of this condition, its symptoms, and treatment options. When reading this article til the end, you will learn everything about this condition. If still you have any questions, please put them in the comments section below the article. Let’s start with the causes!

Causes of Priapism

It can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Medications:
    Antihypertensives and blood thinners can cause this condition as a side effect. Also, medications for depression treatment such as trazodone HCL ( Desyrel ), or chlorpromazine ( Thorazine ), which treat some mental illnesses can be a cause. [2]
  2. Blood disorders:
    It can be caused by conditions such as sickle cell anemia, leukemia, and thrombocytopenia due to the blood cells’ abnormality.
  3. Trauma:
    A common cause of nonischemic priapism is trauma or injury to your penis, pelvis, or the region between the base of the penis and the anus (perineum). (SOURCE)
  4. Neurological disorders:
    Spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease due to nerve damage.

Symptoms of Priapism

Prolonged, painful erection of the penis that lasts for several hours is the main symptom. The erection is usually not related to sexual stimulation and can occur all of a sudden without warning. Other symptoms may include:

  1. Swelling and tenderness of the penis.
  2. Difficulty urinating or an urgent need to urinate.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or perineum.

Treatment Options

Immediate attention is required to prevent permanent damage to the penis. Treatment options include:

  1. Medications:
    Phenylephrine and terbutaline, injected into the penis can help relax the blood vessels and decrease blood flow to the penis.
  2. Aspiration:
    A needle can is inserted into the penis to drain the blood and relieve the pressure.
  3. Surgery:
    If other treatments are not effective, surgery will be necessary to relieve the pressure and restore normal blood flow.


Before taking medications, you need to discuss the risks and potential side effects with your doctor. Those with blood disorders or neurological disorders are at risk and should be monitored for the development of priapism.


Priapism is a medical emergency that causes a prolonged, painful erection of the penis that requires immediate medical interference. Causes include medication side effects, blood disorders, neurological disorders, and trauma. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help recognize the signs and seek prompt medical attention to prevent damage to the penis.



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