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Urine Dribbling, Causes and Treatment

Urine dribbling (or post-micturition dribbling) is a medical condition where a person experiences involuntary loss of urine. It stands for the involuntary loss (dribbling) of urine after urination, which can be a nuisance, uncomfortable and embarrassing. Also, this condition can lead to skin irritation, infection, and social problems, as people may avoid public places, social events or activities. It affects mainly men, but women can also suffer from it. It can be caused by various factors such as weakened bladder muscles, nerve damage, prostate problems, and some medications.


Urine dribbling, or post-micturition dribbling (PMD), is a condition where a small amount of urine remains in the urethra after urination, and passes withou control . This occurs when the urine pools in a bend in the urethra near the base of the penis. PMD is due to weakened pelvic floor muscles, which are unable to completely empty the bladder during urination.

  • PMD, unlike the dribbles that can be expelled while still seated on the toilet, it occurs after leaving the bathroom.
  • Additionally, PMD is not the same as the dribbling that may result from increased pressure or stress on the bladder, such as when coughing or lifting heavy objects, which is commonly referred to as stress urinary incontinence.

Urinary Incontinence, Types and Causes

Type of Urinary IncontinenceCausesSymptoms
Stress IncontinencePhysical movement or activity that puts pressure on the bladder: weakened pelvic muscles, obesity and hormonal changes.Involuntary loss of urine during physical activity or movement. most common in women, particularly after childbirth or menopause, but it can also affect men.
Urge IncontinenceA strong and sudden need to urinate (urgency)Dribbling accompanied by an urgent need to urinate like in old men with BPH
Mixed IncontinenceCombination of stress and urge incontinenceDribbling during physical activity or with an urgent need to urinate
Overflow IncontinenceBladder becomes too full and cannot empty properly (weakened ladder muscles, nerve damage, urinary tract blockage)Constantly dripping or leaking small amounts of urine
Functional IncontinenceDifficulty getting to the toilet in time due to any reasonInvoluntary loss of urine while attempting to get to the bathroom in time.

Causes of Urine Dribbling

It can be caused by various causes. Some of the common causes are discussed below:

  1. Weak Bladder Muscles: The main cause of this condition is weak bladder muscles. As people age, the muscles that control the bladder can become weakened, which can cause urine to leak after urination. This is a common condition in older people.
  2. Prostate Problems: Such as an enlarged prostate hat can cause the bladder to weaken and cause urine to leak after urination.
  3. Neurological Problems: Such as a spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. These conditions can affect the nerves that control the bladder.
  4. Medical Conditions: Such as bladder cancer, urinary tract infections, and bladder stones, as these conditions can cause inflammation and irritation in the bladder, which can lead to involuntary loss of urine.

Treatment for Urine Dribbling

It can be treated by a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatments, depending on the underlying cause. Some of the most common treatments are discussed below:

  1. Lifestyle Changes: Lifestyle changes, such as pelvic floor exercises and weight management, can help strengthen the muscles that control the bladder. These exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home and can help prevent urine dribbling.
  2. Medications: Medications, such as antimuscarinic drugs and beta-3 agonists, can be used to relax the bladder muscles and prevent the condition. These drugs work by relaxing the bladder and preventing involuntary contractions.
  3. Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be required. Surgeries, such as prostatectomy, bladder augmentation, and bladder sling procedures, can help strengthen the bladder and cure the condition.
  4. Electrical Stimulation: Electrical stimulation, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), can also be used for treatment. TENS works by stimulating the nerves that control the bladder and improving bladder function.

Q. I have a regular problem with dribbling after I urinate. What causes this, and can it be helped?

A. Many men dribble urine shortly after they have finished using the toilet and the bladder feels empty. Even waiting a moment and shaking the penis before zipping up won’t stop it. The medical term for this is post-micturition dribbling. It’s common in older men because the muscles surrounding the urethra — the long tube in the penis that allows urine to pass out of the body — don’t squeeze as hard as they once did. This leaves a small pool of urine at a dip in the urethra behind the base of the penis. In less than a minute after finishing, this extra urine dribbles out.


Urine dribbling is a common condition that affects many people, especially older adults. It can be caused by various factors, including weak bladder muscles, prostate problems, neurological problems, and certain medical conditions. Treatment can include lifestyle changes, medications, surgery, and electrical stimulation, depending on the underlying cause. With proper treatment and care, it can be managed and prevented from affecting your quality of life.


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