Urine Pregnancy Test, How and when to do?
In this short article, Urine Pregnancy Test, I will discuss what is Urine Pregnancy Test , and the following main points
What is Urine Pregnancy Test?
When you are pregnant a particular hormone will be excreted in the urine. That hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). After the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus HCG hormone will be produced by the placenta. Then, It will be found in both urine and blood. Pregnancy test has different names: human chorionic gonadotropin test, HCG test
The test can detect tell whether you are pregnant about one week after the missed period. You can do the test at home. You purchase the test kit from a drug store on online. It is called home pregnancy test, which is about 99% accurate. Most of home pregnancy tests are inexpensive and easy to use.
Sign of early pregnancy to do the Test?
You may suspect that you are pregnant if you have one or more of the following symptoms and signs:
- Your breasts become swollen and tender.
- Easily feel tired.
- Morning sickness , which is nausea and vomiting common with pregnancy.
- The abdomen looks different.
Where It can be done?
Test using urine to detect pregnancy can be done at home using Home Pregnancy Test kit , or in a medical Laboratory. Home test , id done accurately is as accurate as that done in the laboratory. Test using blood cannot be done at home, it should be in the medical laboratory.
Home Urine pregnancy test (UPT)?
Contents of home pregnancy test
- Pregnancy test kit includes a device called a dipstick. It may also include a collection cup. See the image below.
- The test kit also includes instructions on how to read your results. You have to read carefully.
- The most common types of home pregnancy tests use a strip or dipstick that you hold in the urine stream or dip into a sample of urine.
Procedure of Home Test
- Sample: first morning urine is the sample of choice to do the test. Because urine at that time has more HCG hormone to be easily detected. Collect a urine sample in a small cup and dip the testing strip in it, or place the strip directly in your urine stream.
- Dip the stick in the urine for about 10 seconds. Then keep it on flat surface for 5-10 minutes. Results will normally appear within two minutes.
- Read the test. The dipstick usually has an area that shows a line in 2 places; one for the control and another for the test. One line means Negative , but 2 lines is Positive.

A woman with symptoms such vomiting, and easily tired with missed periods, can be pregnant. She can check whether she is pregnant or not by doing a urine test for pregnancy. Another option is to undergo for Blood pregnancy test. Urine test can be done at home, using a home pregnancy kits. These test kits are available in the drug store and online. Positive result, means she is pregnant. Therefore she must visit her doctor to follow up.
– http://laboratorytests.org
– https://www.medicalhealthtests.com/urine-test