Healthy life styleNutritionVitamin B12

Atypical Symptoms of B12 deficiency

I think you know the common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, but do you know the atypical ones? Maybe, not! As many of us have never heard about them. In this article, we will explore these often overlooked signs, the atypical ones, and shed light on their importance in diagnosing B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a vital nutrient that is required in maintaining our overall health and well-being. It’s an essential nutrient, which means you have to get it from your diet. It has a vital role in red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, nerve function, and brain health. Typically, B12 deficiency is associated with known symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and tingling sensations. However, there is a range of lesser-known, atypical symptoms that can also indicate a deficiency of this crucial vitamin. Those include Psychological, neurological, and other symptoms.

Psychological Signs and Symptoms

1- Cognitive Impairment and Memory Loss

One of the surprising atypical symptoms of B12 deficiency is cognitive impairment and memory loss. Inadequate levels of B12 can lead to decreased cognitive function, difficulty concentrating, and memory problems. These symptoms are often mistaken for signs of aging or stress. However, B12 deficiency should be considered as a potential underlying cause, especially in older adults.

2- Mood Disorders

B12 deficiency has been linked to mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and irritability. The exact mechanism behind this association is still not fully understood, but it is believed that B12 plays a crucial role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Insufficient levels of B12 can disrupt the delicate balance of these neurotransmitters, leading to mood disturbances.

Neurological Signs and Symptoms

3- Dizziness and Balance Issues

An unexplained feeling of dizziness or problems with balance can be an unexpected manifestation of B12 deficiency. The deficiency affects the nervous system, including the peripheral nerves responsible for transmitting signals related to balance and coordination. Consequently, individuals deficient in B12 may experience difficulties with spatial orientation, vertigo, or even unsteady gait.

4- Muscle Weakness and Tremors

Muscle weakness and tremors are often associated with other conditions, but they can also be indicative of B12 deficiency. The deficiency affects the nerves that control muscle movement, leading to weakness, trembling, or even difficulty walking. Identifying B12 deficiency as the underlying cause is vital to prevent long-term complications.

5- Vision Changes

Although less common, vision changes can occur in individuals with B12 deficiency. Blurred or distorted vision, as well as sensitivity to light, may indicate optic nerve damage caused by insufficient levels of this essential vitamin. Prompt recognition and treatment of B12 deficiency can prevent further deterioration of vision.

Other Atypical Symptoms of B12 deficiency

6- Pale or Yellowish Skin

B12 deficiency can affect the production of red blood cells, leading to a condition called megaloblastic anemia. Anemia can manifest as pale or yellowish skin due to decreased red blood cell count and reduced oxygen-carrying capacity. This atypical symptom is often disregarded or attributed to other causes, delaying the diagnosis of B12 deficiency.

7- Glossitis and Mouth Ulcers

Glossitis, characterized by a swollen, red, and painful tongue, is another often overlooked symptom of B12 deficiency. The deficiency affects the normal growth and maintenance of the cells lining the tongue, leading to inflammation and discomfort. Additionally, some individuals may experience recurring mouth ulcers, which can be painful and hinder proper nutrition intake.


B12 deficiency is more than just fatigue and weakness. The atypical symptoms discussed in this article highlight the importance of recognizing the diverse ways B12 deficiency can manifest in the body. Whether it’s cognitive impairment, mood disorders, balance issues, skin changes, glossitis, vision changes, or muscle weakness, these lesser-known signs should not be ignored. Early detection and appropriate treatment of B12 deficiency are essential to prevent further complications and improve overall health and quality of life.

If your experience symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, You may undergo laboratory testing to find out the vitamin status.

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