Hypertension is 45.4% among adults ! Are you one of them?
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is a condition where the blood pressure levels are higher than the normal ranges. Many of us do not know that most hypertensive persons have no symptoms. Even though their blood level is dangerously very high! They discover that they are hypertensive during check up for any reason. So, you need to know what is blood pressure? And what is the normal range? What are the symptoms and signs of high blood pressure ? And why it is dangerous? Also you need to know if hypertension prevalence is alarming!
Hypertension prevalence
From (Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)
In the survey period 2017–2018, the prevalence of hypertension was 45.4% among adults.
It was higher among men (51.0%) than women (39.7%).
Hypertension increased with age: 22.4% (aged 18–39), 54.5% (40–59), and 74.5% (60 and over).
The image is not that scary, why?
The image is not that scary, why?
Because you can control your situation. You can be able to keep your blood pressure in a safe range , even as you grow older. But remember that, the longer you don’t care and do not do something to manage, the more damaging and risky it will be. Better to manage now than to cure the complications later!
What is the normal blood pressure range?
Ideal BP According to Age | ||
Age | Female | Male |
18-35 | 120/80 | 120/80 |
36-55 | 130/85 | 128/84 |
56 above | 134/88 | 133/86 |
What is high blood pressure? Hypertension stages?

Why is hypertension risky?

Hypertension prevalence is very high with many health risks. And with age the incidence of hypertension is greater. Also, hypertension is not a sole condition as it is associated with many risks. Aside from its risks for cardiovascular disease, there are a number of other negative effects, including risks for dementia, physical disability, and falls/fractures. Inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction, are common to biologic aging and hypertension development.
Symptoms of Hypertension
Many hypertensive person show no symptoms. And that can last many years symptomless. While others suffer different symptoms , of which headache is the most common. Other symptoms include the following:
- Headache , that may be moderate or severe
- Difficulty of breath
- Bleeding from the nose
- Anxiety and irritability
- Feeling of pulsations in the neck or head
Hypertensive emergency
A condition where the Blood Pressure is very high with severe symptoms that may be life-threatening. Also it may present with signs of acute damage to one or more of body organs.
Causes and Classification
Most cases of hypertension have no clear cause. Accordingly, hypertension is classified into two main types:
1- Essential hypertension (Primary hypertension):
High blood pressure develops gradually with no obvious causes. It takes many years to develop. Unhealthy lifestyle, environmental factors, and aging may be reasons to develop this type of hypertension.
2- Secondary hypertension:
This is a type of hypertension where high blood pressure develops due to other health conditions. Causes of secondary hypertension include the following: Diabetes , Kidney problems , Sleep apnea , Thyroid or adrenal gland problems and others. Read more here!
How to prevent High blood pressure?
In short, following healthy life style can protect you from hypertension and its complications. That will keep your body in a healthy weight range. Healthy life style includes:
1- Eating heathy food. Take a well-balanced diet rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. And reduce salt intake.
2- Maintain regular exercise
3- Get enough sleep of good quality
4- Stay away of tension or stress , and manage if you were exposed to stress situations.
Complications : Read about complications of Hypertension here!
- Wall Sits and Planks Exercises are The Best for Lowering Blood Pressure
- Laboratory Tests for Hypertension: The Most Commonly Requested
- High Blood Cholesterol: The Silent Killer You Can’t Ignore. Get a Lipid Profile Test Today!
- World Hypertension Day 2023
- The Link Between High Blood Pressure and Sexual Health: How to Manage
Bottom line:
Every person must check his blood pressure routinely. Because it is the only one way to know whether your blood pressure is high or normal. Also you must be Familiar with the normal blood pressure range , as you may check it at home. Once you find out that your blood pressure is , You will be able to manage and bring it back to normal levels. Therefore, complications will be avoided. Stroke, heart attack, and heart failure incidences are significantly decreased by lowering the high blood pressure. So, to do it now better than later!
– https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4768730/
– https://www.nwcardiovascularclinic.com/shortness-of-breath-and-headache-causes-and-explanation/
– https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db364.htm
– https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa1511939
– https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29847485/