Man fertility - SemenMen's health

What is Normal Sperm Count?

for a man to be fertile and get his woman pregnant, he must have normal sperm count. To make a child, both man and woman should be fertile, if one partner is not, they can’t make a baby. Male fertility is a quite complex issue as female fertility. normal count is important, but it is not the only factor determining male infertility. There are other factors, but normal count is the most important.

What is Sperm Count?

It is is the number of sperms in an ejaculation. Usually, it’s expressed as number of sperm / milliliters of semen.
How to count sperm in a sample of an ejaculate? There are 2 methods; at home test which is a rough estimation of sperm number, and semen analysis at a medical laboratory.

What is Normal Sperm Count?

A normal count ranges from 15 million sperm to more than 200 million per milliliter (ml) of semen; 15 t0 200 millions/ml. The total count for a 3 ml ejaculate, with 20 millions/ml = 20 millions X 3 ml = 60 million in the ejaculate. Normal ejaculate volume is 2 to 5 ml.

How to do sperm count at a laboratory?

  • prepare for semen analysis
    • Avoid ejaculation for 3 days before the test.
    • No alcohol, caffeine, and drugs five days before the test.
    • No hormone medications.
  • Collect the sample in a clean container by one of the following methods:
    • masturbation is the preferred way of semen collection.
    • sex with a condom.
    • sex with withdrawal before ejaculation
  • Submit to the laboratory within one hour after collection

Low Sperm Count:

According to the WHO, less than 15 million sperm/milliliter is considered as lower than the normal range. Although it takes only one sperm to fertilize the ovum, higher numbers of sperm increase the chance to reach the egg. So, with low counts, man can make his partner pregnant if other factors of sperm health are good enough.

Low Average

A count less than 15 million per milliliter is the low Average range. This implies that your count is not exactly in the lowest range but it still below average.


More than 15 million per milliliters is considered to be the average sperm count range. Numbers above 15 million indicate that your chances of get your partner pregnant is good, as long as all other parameters of sperm health are good.

Other factors affecting male infertility

Sperm count is the most important factor in male fertility, but it is not the only factor. There other factors affecting male infertility including Sperms shape and motility. All these three fundamental parameters of sperm health, (number, shape, and motility). must be normal for the process of fertilizing the ovum.


Sperm are the male reproductive cells, and you can know your its count using a test called semen analysis. The average is between 15 million and 200 million sperm per milliliter. Normal sperm count is the key factor for male fertility, but all parameters of semen health, (number, shape, and motility). must be normal for the process of fertilizing the ovum.


If you suspect that you may have symptoms, Helalmedical can help, offering quick, private, and convenient testing options. You may contact us here: Facebook page.

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